Την ώρα που ο ξενοδοχειακός κλάδος σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο βρίσκεται σε ελεύθερη πτώση λόγω της πανδημίας του κορονοϊού, μια αλυσίδα πολυτελών ξενοδοχείων στην Ελβετία αποφάσισε να προσφέρει υψηλές υπηρεσίες... καραντίνας στους επισκέπτες της.
Συγκεκριμένα, η εταιρεία Le Bijou με καταλύματα στη
Ζυρίχη, τη Γενεύη, τη Βασιλεία και σε άλλες πόλεις της Ελβετίας, προσφέρει πολυτελή «διαμερίσματα καραντίνας» με το νέο πακέτο «Υπηρεσία Covid-19».
Όπως αναφέρεται στην ιστοσελίδα της αλυσίδας, τα Le Bijou Apartments κάνουν τη διαφορά, καθώς λειτουργούν χωρίς προσωπικό (συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του check-in). Διαθέτουν πλήρως εξοπλισμένες κουζίνες και ανέσεις όπως σάουνα, τζακούζι, τζάκι και γυμναστήρια, ενώ προσφέρονται υπηρεσίες παράδοσης τροφίμων και οι προσωπικές υπηρεσίες σεφ.
Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το πακέτο «Υπηρεσία Covid-19» περιλαμβάνει τεστ για τον κορονοϊό στο δωμάτιο!
Οι έξτρα υπηρεσίες περιλαμβάνουν επισκέψεις γιατρών και 24ωρη νοσηλευτική φροντίδα σε συνεργασία με ιδιωτική κλινική.
Όσο για το κόστος; Η απλή διαμονή σε αυτά τα διαμερίσματα ξεκινάει από περίπου 450 ευρώ ανά διανυκτέρευση αυτή την περίοδο. Οι υπόλοιπες υπηρεσίες- ιατρικές και μη- έχουν έξτρα κόστος, με το τεστ για τον κορονοϊό να κοστίζει 450 ευρώ.
Healthcare workers get free stays
Healthcare workers fighting coronavirus stay at Le Bijou free of charge
We are Le Bijou, a Swiss hospitality startup that made
headlines worldwide with our Covid-19 service. Guests can book our
apartments for a quarantine stay while our healthcare partner doublecheck.ch provides medical services to our guests. Guests developing symptoms can request an in-room test for an additional charge.
Our message went around the world
Le Bijou has been featured in some of the largest magazines and newspapers in the world including Forbes, Washington Post, Bloomberg, and USAToday
to name a few. While our media exposure drastically increased and we
received calls from China, Korea all the way to Brasil, we took the
opportunity to find a solution to make sure the 65 people that depend on
us don't have to worry about their future.Switzerland has been completely shut down. The tourism industry will be profoundly affected by a worldwide shutdown. Le Bijou is known to be crisis resistant thanks to its diversified revenue streams from event bookings, overnight- and longterm stays.
However, this crisis is different and made it almost impossible for companies, especially SMEs, to survive. We, therefore, developed an offering that would solve both issues: helping people that are in need and helping Le Bijou.
Besides the Covid-19 offering, we reached out to large corporations, health insurance companies, the government and the wealthiest people in the country to buy overnight stays at Le Bijou at cost. Such stays will be then offered to people in need free of charge. Donors will benefit from our current press hype and it will help to send a signal of hope to the companies in the country that are currently worrying about their existence. So far we haven't had any response from the institutions, individuals, and corporations we reached out to.
We believe that creativity and courage will help all of us through the crisis. SME's need to be creative and find new ways to generate revenues to save jobs. But social responsibility shouldn't be left out!
The cases are increasing exponentially and healthcare
systems may collapse under the immense pressure the virus will bring. Le
Bijou cannot assist with medical help however, we are doing our best to
help the people that need us the most.
If you are working in healthcare and need a break, you can
stay at Le Bijou for free. Recover in one of our in-room SPAs and enjoy
our beautiful apartments; maybe even have a glass of champagne. It's
free of charge for you until the crisis is over. We make the same offer
for people in great need. Just inquire and we will find a solution for
While we continue our search for a strong partner that
supports our idea, we will continue to reduce costs wherever possible.
For the time being, Alexander Hubner, the company’s CEO, will be
investing 100% of his salary to cover the costs of such free stays,
until the crisis is over.
Private monitoring
With our healthcare partner, we provide 24/7
personal health monitoring. Our apartments are all centrally located and
in immediate proximity to emergency hospitals.